Stentangioplastie der Arteria carotis

and hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid artery stenting. A Diffusion-weighted imaging performed upon admission revealed multiple cortical cerebral infarctions. B, C Carotid artery stenting was performed for internal carotid artery stenosis (red arrows). D Preoperatively, atherosclerotic stenosis was observed in the left anterior cerebral artery. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was performed at the end of the surgery, and the results showed that the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) was dilated. E DSA performed 1 day after the surgery revealed a localized vasoconstriction mainly of the left MCA. F One week after the surgery, CT perfusion revealed hyperperfusion, with a cerebral blood flow contralateral ratio of greater than 1.3. CT perfusion was scanned using a multidetector CT scanner with 80 detector rows (Aquilion Prime, Canon, Japan) and DSA was performed with biplane equipment (Infinix Celeve-i INFX-8000 V, Canon, Japan). MRI scanner was 1.5 T scanner (Magnetom Avanto fit, Siemens Healthcare, Germany)

arterial stenting • Carotid stenting - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

artery stenosis • Carotid angioplasty - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

arterial stenting • Carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS): pre-op planning and essential steps - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

arterial stenting • Carotid stent stenosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Carotid arterial stenting (CAS) is a minimally invasive endovascular interventional procedure that can potentially offer the same advantage as surgery (carotid endarterectomy).
Indications for carotid stenting are evolving with endarterectomy trials that evaluate the carotid stenosis cutoff values for treatment. Currently, the indications include:
- symptomatic patients with ≥70% stenosis (NASCET trial)
- asymptomatic patients with >60% stenosis (ACAS study)
- symptomatic patients with stenosis of at least 50-69% stenosis
- carotid artery dissection or pseudoaneurysm
- complete carotid occlusion
- major disabling stroke on the ipsilateral side/disabling dementia
- intracranial tumor/hemorrhage
- unstable plaque or thick calcification at the site of carotid stenosis
- extreme tortuosity of the vessel
- preprocedural cerebrovascular accident (~8%)
- recurrent carotid arterial stenosis or in-stent restenosis (~6% at 1 year)
- hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid artery stenting (1-2%): headache, seizures and intracranial hemorrhage
Alternative treatment options
Operator skills and experience have a profound impact on patient outcomes following CAS. One systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature found Carotid Endarectomy (CEA) to be superior to CAS in freedom from stroke/death within 30 days of treatment, with the incidence of stroke/death within 30 days of treatment was 4.7% for CAS and 3.5% for CEA .
History and etymology
- the first percutaneous transluminal carotid angioplasty (PTA) was performed by Charles Kerber in 1980 .
- somewhat surprisingly the word 'stent' is actually an eponym, originally named after Charles Stent (1807-1885), a largely-forgotten British dentist. He invented an improved material for forming dental impressions and set up a company to manufacture it. During the Great War, J F Esser, a Dutch surgeon used a mold of Stent's Compound as a fixative for skin grafting in injured infantrymen. This innovative use was rapidly adopted into practice, and stenting as a concept rapidly segued into multiple specialties .
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