Superior mesenteric venous thrombosis

mesenteric ischemia • Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

mesenteric ischemia • Mesenteric ischemia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

mesenteric ischemia • Acute superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Small bowel
ischemia • Small bowel ischemia - SMV thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Small bowel
ischemia • Small bowel ischemia - SMV thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Portal vein
thrombosis • Mesenteric venous thrombosis and small bowel ischemia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

mesenteric ischemia • Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

mesenteric ischemia • Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

syndrome • Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

mesenteric ischemia • Superior mesenteric and portal vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

ischemia • Ischemic small bowel - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

venous thrombosis as a rare complication of decompression sickness. CT imaging before HBOT. a A large amount of intravenous gas was detected in the portal vein (white arrow) and b superior mesenteric vein (white arrow). c CT imaging after transfer to our hospital revealed pneumatosis intestinalis of the transverse colon (white arrow)

superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and intestinal ischemia in liver cirrhosis. Coronal reformats demonstrated an incomplete intra-luminal filling defect within the superior mesenteric vein (white arrow). The splenic vein (red arrow) and visualised main portal vein is patent. The liver is cirrhotic and there is ascites.

mesenteric ischemia • Acute superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

The double
halo sign: What"s behind?. Abdominal cross-section CT showing a filling defect at the distal end of the portal vein that extended into the splenic vein (orange arrow).

porto-mesenteric venous thrombosis in Crohn"s disease. Mildly dilated, nonenhancing thrombosed mesenteric vein and branches (arrows). Initial formation of tortuous venous collaterals at the porta hepatis (*).

porto-mesenteric venous thrombosis in Crohn"s disease. Mildly dilated, nonenhancing thrombosed mesenteric vein and branches (arrows).

porto-mesenteric venous thrombosis in Crohn"s disease. Mildly dilated, nonenhancing thrombosed mesenteric vein and branches (arrows).

superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and intestinal ischemia in liver cirrhosis. A loop of ileum demonstrated the fat halo sign seen in bowel ischemia - submucosal inflammation (low attenuation inner layer) surrounded by high-attenuation hyperemic outer layer.

superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and intestinal ischemia in liver cirrhosis. Axial CT confirmed a thrombus within the superior mesenteric vein. There is hypoattenuation of the ileum and ascending colon with mesenteric stranding and ascites consistent with intestinal ischemia.

mesenteric ischemia • Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Small bowel
ischemia • SMV thrombosis with long segment jejunal infarction - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

myelofibrosis: spectrum of imaging features and disease-related complications. Axial CT in the same patient demonstrates a filling defect within a branch of the superior mesenteric vein. Myeloproliferative neoplasms are now recognised as the leading systemic cause of splanchnic vein thrombosis [19] and affecting a younger age group in general
Superior mesenteric venous thrombosis can result from number of conditions. It can account for around 5-15% of all mesenteric ischemic events.
It can be classified in various ways:
- acute: acute superior mesenteric venous thrombosis
- chronic: chronic superior mesenteric venous thrombosis
or as:
- primary: idiopathic
- secondary: can result from a variety of underlying diseases and risk factors, including:
- primary hypercoagulable states or prothrombotic disorders
- myeloproliferative disease
- malignancy (frequently pancreatic or liver cancers)
- inflammatory conditions (e.g. pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease)
- recent surgery
- portal hypertension
- others (e.g. oral contraceptives or pregnancy)
Siehe auch:
- Morbus Crohn
- Mesenterialinfarkt
- Pfortaderthrombose
- Dünndarmischämie
- neutropene Enterokolitis
- radiation enteritis
- akuter Verschluss der Arteria mesenterica superior
und weiter:
- Vena mesenterica superior
- Mesenterialvenenenge
- intestinal venous infarction
- Gewebsreaktion Fett Bauchraum
- porto-mesenteric venous thrombosis in Crohn's disease
- Dünndarmischämie bei Mesenterialvenenthrombose
- Mesenterialvarikosis
- porto-mesenteric venous thrombosis
- Mesenterialverschluss
- superior mesenteric vein thrombosis after a chemotherapy