Teratom der Nebenniere

resection of a huge mature cystic teratoma of the right adrenal gland through retroperitoneal approach: a case report and literature review. Abdominal enhanced computer tomography demonstrated a 5.7 × 4.9 × 4.3 cm lipoid tumour of mixed density and nodes of high density with calcification in the tumorous centre (arrows showing tumour of mixed density)
An adrenal teratoma is a very rare adrenal lesion. They account for around 0.7% of all primary adrenal tumors. As with teratomas in general, they are composed of mature tissues arising from more than one germinal layer.
Radiographic features
They classically demonstrate a large fatty / lipomatous component as well as calcification/bone with the lesion. Typically present as large tumors (mean diameter around 9 cm according to one study). Cystic components may also be present.
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