Tibiotalar spurs

Tibiotalar spurs are bony proliferations of the anterior tibial plafond and the anterior talus.


Very common in professional athletes .

Clinical presentation

They can be found in asymptomatic individuals or in patients who present with anterior ankle pain.


Tibiatalar spurs are considered to have an important role in the development of anterior or anteromedial ankle impingement. They are more common in the medial than in the lateral part of the talar neck. It is not entirely clear whether they are related to repetitive microtrauma resulting in intra-articular osteophyte formation or repetitive capsular and ligamentous traction resulting in extra-articular enthesophyte formation . Medially located talar spurs are more commonly intra-articular osteophytes whereas laterally located talar spurs are more commonly extra-articular enthesophytes .

Radiographic features

Bony outgrowths can be seen at the anterior or anteromedial tibial plafond and are best seen on CT or lateral ankle radiograph.

Related pathology