Trichobezoar in Magen und Duodenum

Case report. Coronal CT section through abdomen shows mottled lucency mass in dialated duodenum.

Case report. CT abdomen axial sections showing some soft tissue densities in the stomach and duodenum which was partially adherent to the stomach and bowel wall.

syndrome: radiographic and ultrasonographic findings. Metallic foreign bodies and multiple air bubbles can be seen in the periumbilical area. There is also a metallic body along with some fluid-fluid levels superimposed in the pelvis.

syndrome: radiographic and ultrasonographic findings. A large filling defect can be seen inside the barium-filled stomach. A mottled appearance characterizes the defect.

syndrome: radiographic and ultrasonographic findings. Long axis ultrasonographic view in left oblique position demonstrating the water-filled stomach anterior to the pancreas. The mass can be seen displaced to the fundus.
Trichobezoar in Magen und Duodenum
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