
Schulterluxation in der Computertomographie axial und im Röntgen. Man erkennt gut, wie der Humeruskopf am hinteren Rand des Glenoids verhakt ist und hier eine ossäre Impression, eben eine inverse oder reverse Hill-Sachs-Läsion (oder Delle) entstanden ist.
The trough line sign is a sign of posterior shoulder dislocation on AP shoulder radiograph.
In a posterior dislocation, the anterior aspect of the humeral head becomes impacted against the posterior glenoid rim. With sufficient force, this causes a compression fracture on the anterior aspect of the humeral head. This compression fracture is analogous to the Hill-Sachs compression fracture seen with anterior shoulder dislocation of the glenohumeral joint.
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
Frontal radiographs reveal two nearly parallel lines in the superomedial aspect of the humeral head.
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