Ureterozele mit Harnleiterstein und Einblutung
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. In the urinary bladder, a large (nearly 5 cm) left posterolateral well-demarcated roundish echogenic intraluminal mass (caliper) was present, with dilated ipsilateral pelvic ureter (thick arrow). The bladder was well-distended and otherwise normal.
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. Excretory-phase acquisition (e...g) showed the ureterocele (thin arrows) as filling defect in the opacified urinary bladder. Note calcific stones, ipsilateral hydronephrosis (thick arrow).
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. The urinary bladder showed normal mural thickness, a thin-walled sizeable left intravesical ureterocele (thin arrows) and another stone (arrowheads) at the uretero-vesical junction.
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. The urinary bladder showed normal mural thickness, a thin-walled sizeable left intravesical ureterocele (thin arrows) and another stone (arrowheads) at the uretero-vesical junction.
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. Unenhanced CT acquisition showed the known left ureterocele with increased size, thickened hyperattenuating wall (50-58 Hounsfield Units, thin arrows) containing a stone (arrowheads). Note some intravesical air (+), dilated ipsilateral ureter (thick arrows).
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. Nephrographic-phase post-contrast CT (b...d) confirmed left ureterocele with thickened hyperattenuating wall (thin arrows) containing a stone (arrowheads); another calculus at the ureterovesical junction (arrow in c) causing upstream hydronephrosis (thick arrows).
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. Nephrographic-phase post-contrast CT (b...d) confirmed ureterocele with thickened hyperattenuating wall (thin arrows) containing a stone (arrowheads); another calculus at the ureterovesical junction (arrow in c) causing upstream hydronephrosis (thick arrows).
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. Nephrographic-phase post-contrast CT (b...d) confirmed ureterocele with thickened hyperattenuating wall (thin arrows) containing a stone (arrowheads); another calculus at the ureterovesical junction (arrow in c) causing upstream hydronephrosis. Note intravesical air (+).
exceptional cause of macroscopic haematuria: haemorrhagic ureterocele. Excretory-phase acquisition (e...g) showed the ureterocele (thin arrows) as filling defect in the opacified urinary bladder. Note calculus at the ureterovesical junction (arrow).
Ureterozele mit Harnleiterstein und Einblutung
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