Uterus incarceratus

eines Uterus incarceratus modifziert nach File:Incarcerateduterus.JPG mit der Harnblase und dem Harnleiter gelb und dem Gebärmutterhals rosa markiert.

of the gravid uterus: a case report and literature review. Ultrasonography of the retroverted gravid incarcerated uterus in the present case. (a) A longitudinal section shows that the uterus is fixed in retroversion with the cervix anteriorly transfixed behind the pubic symphysis above the uterine fundus (red arrow indicating the uterine fundus). Placenta located at fundus of uterus. (b) A transverse image of placenta that is located below the cervix. The two positional images better defines the position of uterine retroversion. BL: bladder; CX: cervix; PL: placenta

uterus • Incarcerated uterus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

uterus • Incarcerated/malrotated uterus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia