Vancouver classification of periprosthetic hip fractures

Femurfraktur Vancouver Typ C, also deutlich unterhalb der Prothesenspitze.

classification of periprosthetic hip fractures • Periprosthetic hip fracture - Vancouver type A(G) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

classification of periprosthetic hip fractures • Vancouver B1 periprosthetic hip fracture - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

classification of periprosthetic hip fractures • Periprosthetic femoral fracture - Vancouver type B2 - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
The Vancouver classification of periprosthetic hip fractures proposed by Duncan and Masri is the most widely used classification system. It takes into account the fracture site, the status of the femoral implant, and the quality of surrounding femoral bone stock.
- type A: fractures involve the trochanteric area
- A(G): greater trochanter
- A(L): lesser trochanter
- type B: around the stem or just below it
- B1: stem stable
- B2: stem loose
- B3: stem loose, bone stock inadequate
- type C: well below the stem
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