Verschlusssystem Vorhofseptumdefekt

Atrial septal occlusion devices are implantable cardiac devices used in patients with certain types of atrial septal defects.
They are used in cases of atrial septal defects with right atrial or ventricle enlargement, to prevent paradoxical embolism, left-to-right shunting and platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome . However, only secundum atrial septal defects are suitable for closure with such devices .
The devices, inserted percutaneously, are deployed using a catheter and consist of a self-expanding double disk composed of nitinol mesh . The disks sit on both sides of the septal defect and occlude the defect. The Amplatzer Septal Occluder is the most common atrial septal occlusion device . These devices have also been used in the closure of muscular ventricular septal defects .
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
Circular disk-like structure visible over the location expected to be the interatrial septum .
Echocardiography is usually performed to ensure proper device positioning and to monitor for the presence of a residual shunt .
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