vertebral osteoblastoma

Bone up on
spinal osseous lesions: a case review series. Osteoblastoma. Axial (a) CT image of the thoracic spine demonstrates a lytic lesion involving the T7 vertebral body (orange arrow) and posterior elements, with an expansile soft tissue component. A thin sclerotic rim can be seen along the border of the intervertebral portion of the lesion (white and black arrows). Sagittal T2 (b), T1 pre-contrast (c), and T1 post-contrast (d) MR images again demonstrate a lesion involving the T7 vertebral body and posterior elements (orange arrows), as well as invasion of the adjacent paraspinal soft tissues. The lesion is predominantly low to intermediate signal compared to normal marrow, and demonstrates avid enhancement on post-contrast images

Bone up on
spinal osseous lesions: a case review series. Osteoblastoma. Sagittal T1 weighted MR image (a) demonstrates a low signal lytic lesion involving the T10 vertebral body and posterior elements (orange arrows). The lesion is intermediate to high signal on T2 weighted images (b, c). There is an associated T2 hyperintense component, consistent with an aneurysmal bone cyst (white arrow), which can be seen in 10-20% cases of osteoblastomas