Whirlpool sign (disambiguation)

mit Whirlpool-Zeichen in der Computertomographie, coronare Reformatierung.

colon volvulus: Case report and review of the literature. Contrast-enhanced CT in portal phase, coronal projection. ‘Whirlpool sign’. At the point of calibre change, twirling of transverse mesocolon vessels is seen (black arrowhead) shaping the classic ‘whirl’ image.

volvulus in an infant with intestinal malrotation. Ultrasonography showing an epigastric mass with a typical whirlpool pattern (arrow).
The whirlpool sign, also known as the whirl sign, is seen when a structure twists upon itself resembling the rotating masses of water of a whirlpool. Described whirlpool signs include:
- whirlpool sign (mesentery): bowel rotates around its mesentery leading to whirls of the mesenteric vessels
- whirlpool sign (ovarian torsion): whirls of the ovarian pedicle vessels seen in ovarian torsion
- whirlpool sign (testicular torsion): spiral twist of the spermatic cord seen in testicular torsion
Siehe auch:
- intestinale Malrotation
- Volvulus des Coecums
- Mesenterium
- Arteria mesenterica superior
- Dünndarmvolvulus
- corkscrew sign (midgut volvulus)
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