zerebraler Vasospasmus

vasospasm and wernicke encephalopathy secondary to adult cyclic vomiting syndrome: the role of magnesium. Vasospasm in cerebral arteries secondary to hypomagnesemia. Coronal (a) and axial (b) CT angiography showing subtle focal changes in the vascular lumen of the right carotid circulation (a, white arrows) and overall decrease of the vascularization in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery (b, circled in white). Selective cerebral angiography injecting from the left internal carotid artery (c), without abnormalities, and from the right internal carotid artery (d), showing overall decrease of the vascularization, focal narrowing (d, white arrows) and segmental stenosis of several arteries (d, white box). CT angiography carried out 7 days after the previous one (e and f) showing complete resolution of the vascular changes. Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) (g) and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) (h) sequences of brain MRI showing no relevant abnormalities

and hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid artery stenting. A Diffusion-weighted imaging performed upon admission revealed multiple cortical cerebral infarctions. B, C Carotid artery stenting was performed for internal carotid artery stenosis (red arrows). D Preoperatively, atherosclerotic stenosis was observed in the left anterior cerebral artery. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was performed at the end of the surgery, and the results showed that the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) was dilated. E DSA performed 1 day after the surgery revealed a localized vasoconstriction mainly of the left MCA. F One week after the surgery, CT perfusion revealed hyperperfusion, with a cerebral blood flow contralateral ratio of greater than 1.3. CT perfusion was scanned using a multidetector CT scanner with 80 detector rows (Aquilion Prime, Canon, Japan) and DSA was performed with biplane equipment (Infinix Celeve-i INFX-8000 V, Canon, Japan). MRI scanner was 1.5 T scanner (Magnetom Avanto fit, Siemens Healthcare, Germany)