zystischer neuroendokriner Tumor des Pankreas
pancreatic lesions: MR imaging findings and management. Cystic PNET. On T2w (a), a small hyperintense lesion with tiny septa is appreciable in the body of the pancreas. At T1w (b), during injection of paramagnetic contrast media an intense rim enhancement can be appreciable in the arterial phase (arrow). On DWI (c), no restricted diffusion can be appreciated and the lesion appears hyperintense at ADC map (d). After surgical removal, a G1 PNET was diagnosed at pathology
presentation of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. Cystic NEN. CT examination: small cystic exophytic pancreatic tail mass with hypodense central area surrounded by thick hypervascular rim
zystischer neuroendokriner Tumor des Pankreas
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu zystischer neuroendokriner Tumor des Pankreas: