kalter Abszess

Cold Abscess
of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: An Unusual Primary Presentation. Large abdominal parietal wall mass (predominantly cystic) of mixed echogenicity, with irregular walls and liquefied necrotic center with coarse internal echoes. Lesion shows posterior acoustic enhancement.

Cold Abscess
of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: An Unusual Primary Presentation. Lesion appears hypovascular on colour doppler.

Cold Abscess
of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: An Unusual Primary Presentation. Loculated cystic fluid density collection with scattered engulfed fat density areas in it, involving the rectus sheath of the anterior abdominal wall in epigastric region overlying left lobe of liver. No evidence of calcification.

Cold Abscess
of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: An Unusual Primary Presentation. Peripherally enhancing cystic fluid density collection in anterior abdominal wall in epigastric lesion. Lesion shows enhancing internal septa and scattered engulfed fat density areas in it.

Cold Abscess
of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: An Unusual Primary Presentation. Significant thickening of overlying skin and subcutaneous tissue. Lesion involves rectus sheath and rectus abdominis muscle.

Cold Abscess
of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: An Unusual Primary Presentation. Fairly large peripherally enhancing loculated cystic fluid density collection in anterior abdominal wall in epigastric lesion.

Cold Abscess
of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: An Unusual Primary Presentation. Lesion shows enhancing internal septa and scattered engulfed fat density areas in it.
Als kalter Abszess wird meist ein Abszess bezeichnet, der nicht durch die typischen pyogenen Bakterien sondern durch Tuberkulose bedingt ist. Er enthält in der Regel wenig Eiter, ist kaum schmerzhaft, nicht gerötet und nicht überwärmt, daher kalter Abszess. Auch bei chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen wie dem Morbus Crohn können kalte Abszesse mit wenig akuten Symptomen entstehen.
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