spontanes Mediastinalhämatom

A case of
mediastinal haematoma mimicking a mediastinal mass. Frontal radiograph showing a widening of the superior mediastinum on the right side with a wide right paratracheal stripe, negative cervicothoracic sign and elevated right hemidiaphragm.

A case of
mediastinal haematoma mimicking a mediastinal mass. Coronal CT reconstruction at mid-tracheal level shows a well-defined, oval-shaped, slightly hyperdense, homogenously attenuating mediastinal lesion. Cleavage with lung parenchyma and midline structures is well maintained.

A case of
mediastinal haematoma mimicking a mediastinal mass. Arterial phase coronal reconstruction shows no increase in HU values. No cystic density, fat attenuation, calcifications, tracheal deviation, vascular compression.