spontane Ruptur der Vena ovarica
rupture of the ovarian vein in association with nutcracker syndrome: a case report. Computed tomographic image at the time of the first hospitalization. The red arrow indicates the uterus and the yellow arrow indicates the left pelvic retroperitoneal hematoma. Initially, this hematoma was diagnosed as a left ovarian cyst
rupture of the ovarian vein in association with nutcracker syndrome: a case report. Images obtained at the time of readmission. a Computed tomography (CT) showed the 11.7 cm hematoma and a faint area of high absorption inside that was suggestive of rebleeding. b Magnetic resonance imaging; arteriovenous malformation or fistula was suspected because of the accumulation of vascular structures between the uterus and the mass. c Three-dimensional CT depicted an abnormal vascular network from the left side of the uterus to the left adnexa. A short-circuit inflow from the uterine artery to the ovarian vein was suspected. All yellow arrows indicate the hematoma and dotted green lines indicate the abnormal vascular network
rupture of the ovarian vein in association with nutcracker syndrome: a case report. Angiographic images. a Left renal arteriography showed that venous blood did not flow into the inferior vena cava but flowed back into the ovarian vein. b Left renal venography showed blood flow to the left ovarian vein and lumbar vein. c Left ovarian venography showed that reflux blood flowed into the right internal iliac vein via the venous plexus around the uterus. d After embolization, perfusion blood from the left kidney poured into the upper left lumbar vein and the vertebral plexus
rupture of the ovarian vein in association with nutcracker syndrome: a case report. Computed tomographic image on the second day after embolization. The yellow arrow indicates the hematoma, which shrank, and the blue arrow indicates the embolized left ovarian vein
spontane Ruptur der Vena ovarica
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu spontane Ruptur der Vena ovarica:
retroperitoneale Einblutung