
bronchitis: a review of the congenital and acquired abnormalities of the bronchus. Bronchial wall thickening due to bronchitis. Coronal (a) and axial (b) CT imaging demonstrates bronchial wall thickening and areas of mucous plugging (arrowhead). Tram tracking refers to wall thickening in longitudinally oriented bronchi (solid arrow) mimicking the parallel rail tracks of a tram whereas peribronchial cuffing (dashed arrow) refers to wall thickening of the bronchi seen in cross section, sometimes referred to as the “donut sign”
Bronchitis (plural bronchitides) refers to inflammation of large airways (i.e. bronchi).
It is considered a generic term referring to inflammation of the bronchial wall, representing the common final response of the airways to various irritants .
This may be acute or chronic and can be precipitated by a variety of conditions:
See also
- bronchiolitis: inflammation of small airways
- airways disease
- bronchial wall thickening
- lower respiratory tract infection
Siehe auch:
- bronchial wall thickening
- Bronchiolitis
- small air ways inflammatory disease
- lower respiratory tract infection
- large airways disease
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