Duplikationszyste des Duodenums

duplication cysts in children: varied presentations, varied imaging findings. A 2-year-old girl with fever and abdominal pain. a Abdominal US view of a complex cystic lesion (white arrows) in the duodenal area, next to the liver (L). GB gallbladder. b Axial gadolinium-enhanced GRE T1 demonstrating the presence of a multilocular cystic mass (white arrows) with wall thickening. c Axial T2 MRI: the mass (white arrow) shows three cystic cavities inside, close to the anterior wall of the duodenum (dashed-line arrow) and lateral to the gallbladder (star). Surgical findings: multiple duodenal duplication cyst, without connection with the lumen and with ectopic gastric mucosa

Newborn with
vomiting and abdominal mass. Surgical image shows a mass attached to the inner surface of the C-loop of the duodenum from just distal to the pylorus to slightly proximal to the region of the ampulla of Vater with the transverse colon draped underneath it.The diagnosis was duodenal duplication.

A case of
duodenal duplication cyst mimicking a pancreatic pseudocyst with intracystic hemorrhage. a Plain abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed a cystic lesion of 7 cm in size in the lumen near the second part of duodenum. The cystic lesion showed high density inside. b Gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed that the lumen of the duodenum was deformed by a submucosal tumor-like mass. Active bleeding was not seen in the lumen of the duodenum. c Contrast-enhanced CT demonstrated a high-density spot on the wall of the cystic lesion (yellow arrow). d A pseudoaneurysm was identified in the branch of the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (ASPDA) by angiography (yellow arrowhead)

A case of
duodenal duplication cyst mimicking a pancreatic pseudocyst with intracystic hemorrhage. a Upper gastrointestinal series demonstrated a filling defect in the duodenum, while the inside of the cystic lesion was not contrasted. b Follow-up CT on the 27th day after TAE showed that the cyst decreased in size

Newborn with
a palpable abdominal mass. AXR AP (above left) and AXR left lateral decubitus (below left) show a midline abdominal mass displacing the bowel inferiorly and to the left side of the abdomen. Transverse (above right) and sagittal (below right) US of the abdomen show a complex cystic mass in a subhepatic location. There was no suggestion of a hyperechoic inner layer of the cystic mass.The diagnosis was duodenal duplication.
Duplikationszyste des Duodenums
Duplikationszysten gastrointestinal Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
Enteric duplication cyst is a broad term for a number of congenital cystic lesions that arise along the gastrointestinal tract. Please see individual articles for further information:
See also
Siehe auch:
- Pankreaspseudozyste
- Duplikationszyste des Magens
- Duplikationszysten gastrointestinal
- Choledochozele
- duodenal filling defects
- ektope Magenschleimhaut in einer Duplikationszyste
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