midline neck mass

Darstellung von Laryngozelen in der Frontalebene. * IL = innere Laryngozele AL = äussere Laryngozele H = Hyoid (Zungenbein) T = Taschenband (Plica vestibularis) S = Stimmband (Plica vocalis) K = Ringknorpel (Krikoid)

duct pathology and mimics. Dermoid. Axial non-contrast CT image illustrates a neck mass located anterior to the thyroid cartilage and superficial to the strap muscles. The lesion demonstrates the same attenuation as adjacent subcutaneous fat

Midline neck
mass • Thyroglossal duct cyst - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Head and neck
squamous cell carcinomas • Delphian node in squamous cell carcinoma recurrence - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Midline neck
mass • Pyramidal thyroid lobe - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Midline neck
mass • Retrosternal goiter involving Zuckerkandl's tubercle - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Midline neck masses have a relatively narrow differential, as few structures are present in the midline. Dividing the causes according to structure of origin is a useful schema.
- lymph node(s): Delphian node(s)
- inflammatory adenopathy
- malignancy
- thyroid gland
- larynx
- ranula
- epidermoid cyst
- neurofibroma
- cystic hygroma/lymphangioma
- hemangioma/vascular malformation
Siehe auch:
- Hämangiom
- Schilddrüse
- Neurofibrom
- Laryngozele
- Lymphangiom
- Ductus thyreoglossus Zyste
- ektopes Schilddrüsengewebe
- zystisches Lymphangiom
- laryngeale Dermoidzyste
- Delphischer Lymphknoten
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