benigne Tumoren der Harnblase
An unusual
bladder tumour. A heterogeneous solid lesion was seen in the anterior bladder wall (arrows). This lesion showed regular contour, progressive enhancement, and was surrounded interiorly by a regular line, which continued with the bladder wall (arrowheads).
Leiomyoma of
the bladder in a 58-year-old woman. This mass is not vascularized on Doppler analysis.
Leiomyoma of
the bladder presenting as acute urinary retention in a female patient: urodynamic analysis of lower urinary tract symptom; a case report. Sagittal section of a magnetic resonance image. Sagittal section of a magnetic resonance image shows a homogeneous mass (2.7 cm in diameter) occupying the area between the bladder neck and the anterior vaginal wall. The tumor mass was homogenously enhanced after the injection of gadolinium.
Unusual cause
of urinary retention in a child: inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder. Transverse grayscale ultrasound (a) and color Doppler (b) image through the pelvis show well-marginated hypoechoic mass lesion (arrow in a and b) arising from the bladder neck projecting into the bladder lumen. The lesion shows mild vascularity
Unusual cause
of urinary retention in a child: inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder. Sagittal T1W image (a), T2W coronal image (b), and T2W FS axial image through the pelvis show polypoidal lesion arising from the bladder base (arrow in a, b, and c). The lesion is hypo- to isointense on T1W and mildly hyperintense on T2W with no suppression on fat-suppressed images. Patchy areas of diffusion restriction are seen (arrow in d)
benigne Tumoren der Harnblase
Siehe auch:
- Inflammatorischer Pseudotumor der Harnblase
- Harnblasenpolyp
- Neoplasien der Blase
- Lipom der Harnblase
- Leiomyom der Harnblase
- tumor-like lesions of the urinary bladder
- papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential
- benign and low-grade papillary lesions of the urinary bladder
- Hamartom der Harnblase
- Granularzelltumor der Blase
- solitärer fibröser Tumor der Harnblase
- hemangioma of the urinary bladder
- fibroma of the urinary bladder
- neurofibroma of the urinary bladder
- Paragangliom der Harnblase
- Papillom der Harnblase
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu benigne Tumoren der Harnblase: