gastrointestinal schwannoma

Gastrointestinal schwannomas are extremely rare mesenchymal neoplasms which arise in relation to the gastrointestinal tract.


They are reported to typically present at about the 3to 5 decades of life .

Clinical presentation

Patients are often asymptomatic but may occasionally present with abdominal discomfort or upper gastrointestinal bleeding from overlying mucosal ulceration.


Although they arise from Schwann cells of the gastrointestinal wall neural plexa , they are considered to be distinctively different from the conventional schwannomas that arise in soft tissue or the central nervous system in terms of histological features.

  • esophagus (rare; DD leiomyoma)
  • stomach: 60-70% of cases (commonest location)
  • colon: next commonest location
  • rectum

S100 protein is strongly positive .

Radiographic features

  • typically seen as a well-defined, rounded, mural mass(es) with homogeneous attenuation
  • tends to lack cystic change and hemorrhage

Reported features include :

  • T1: low or intermediate signal
  • T1 C+ (Gd): may demonstrate slow but relative uniform enhancement
  • T2: high signal

Treatment and prognosis

They are benign tumors and carries a much better prognosis compared with gastrointestinal stromal tumors.

History and etymology

Initially reported by Daimaru et al. in 1988

Differential diagnoses

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