Mucocele (general)

Mucocele of a
giant inferior turbinate concha bullosa mimics a nasal mass: case report. Axial CT scan of the paranasal sinuses showing a mass in the left nasal cavity ballooning the whole nasal cavity with compression of the nasal septum and orbit and extending to the nasopharynx

Mucocele of a
giant inferior turbinate concha bullosa mimics a nasal mass: case report. Coronal MRI with contrast (T2 sequences) of the paranasal sinuses showing a huge lesion with mixed intensities of cystic and solid elements with clearly defined margins

Mucocele of a
giant inferior turbinate concha bullosa mimics a nasal mass: case report. Axial MRI with contrast (T1 sequences) of the paranasal sinuses showing a huge lesion with hypointense core with enhanced margins

Mucocele of a
giant inferior turbinate concha bullosa mimics a nasal mass: case report. Sagittal MRI with contrast (T1 sequences) of the paranasal sinuses showing a huge lesion with hypointense core with enhanced margins extending to the nasopharynx

RLQ pain and
persistent High-Fever: think of Appendiceal Mucocele. A moderate inflammatory reaction of the perivisceral fat was present. Moreover, the intestinal loop medial to the mucocele exhibits the "small bowel faeces sign" due to delayed intestinal transport.

(general) • Appendiceal mucocoele - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

sinus mucocele • Mucocele of the left maxillary antrum - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
A mucocele simply refers to accumulation and expansion of a structure by mucus . It occurs in a variety of locations which are discussed separately:
- paranasal sinus mucocele
- lacrimal mucocele
- mucocele of the mastoid (rare)
- mucocele of the oral cavity e.g. ranula, mucous retention cysts
- mucocele of the appendix
- mucocele of the gallbladder
- mucocele of the Fallopian tube
- bronchocele
- mucocele of the esophagus
Siehe auch:
- Onodizelle
- Mukozele der Appendix
- Mukozele Felsenbein
- Mukozele der Nasennebenhöhlen
- Mukozele in Concha bullosa
- Mukozele Ethmoidalzellen
- Mukoidzyste Nase
- Mukozele cCT
- Mundbodenzyste (Ranula)
- Mukozele des Ductus nasolacrimalis
- mucous cyst of the oral mucosa
- Mukozele Sinus maxillaris
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