Milk of calcium (disambiguation)

der rechten Niere in der Computertomographie axial und sagittal im Knochenfenster. Das kalkdichte Material sammelt sich entsprechend der Schwerkraft als Sediment in der Zyste.
The term milk of calcium (MOC) is given to dependent, sedimented calcification within a cystic structure or hollow organ. This sort of colloidal calcium suspension layering can occur in various regions:
- renal: milk of calcium in renal cyst (most common)
- ureter: milk of calcium in the ureter
- breast: milk of calcium in breast cyst
- gallbladder: milk of calcium bile
- mesenteric cyst (rare)
- tunica albuginea cyst (rare)
Siehe auch:
- tumoröse Kalzinose
- Kalkmilchzysten der Nieren
- Kalkmilchzysten Mamma
- Nierenzyste
- milk of calcium in mesenteric cysts
- Kalkmilch in der Gallenblase
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