Scarpa's fascia
Scarpa fascia is a membranous layer of superficial fascia that extends over the lower thoracic and anterior abdominal wall, anterior to the midaxillary lines. Here, fibrous septa of subcutaneous tissue are condensed beneath the fat into a thin but strong membrane. The fascia allows the subcutaneous fat (Camper fascia) to slide freely over the underlying thoracic wall, rectus sheath, and external oblique aponeurosis.
Scarpa fascia fades out over the upper thoracic wall and midaxillary lines and is attached to the fascia lata over the flexure skin crease of the hip, just below the inguinal ligament. It is attached to the body of the pubis and is continued over the penis and scrotum as the superficial perineal fascia of Colles.
History and etymology
The fascia is named for an Italian professor of anatomical sciences and surgery Antonio Scarpa (1752–1832) who held tenure at the University of Pavia .