transient intussusception

in der Computertomographie: Axial typische kokardenartige Formation.

in der Computertomographie. Axial nur in der Bildfolge erkennbar, aber coronar gut sichtbar.

temporäre Invagination des Jejunums bei einem Mann ohne diesbezügliche Symptome. Target-sign.
Transient (non-obstructing) intussusception without a lead point is known to occur in both adults and children and occurs more frequently than was previously reported.
Most commonly, transient intussusception in adults is idiopathic, incidental, and of no clinical consequence . Uncommonly, transient but possibly recurrent intussusception is associated with celiac disease or Crohn disease.
Intussusception without a lead point is known to appear as a non-obstructing segment, usually smaller in diameter and shorter than an intussusception with a lead point.
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