Ligamentum patellofemorale mediale
The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) belongs to the anterior medial supporting structures of the knee and it is the main structure, preventing the patella from lateral displacement at 50-60% restraining force . It is one of the medial patellar stabilizers together with the medial retinaculum and the vastus medialis oblique muscle .
Gross anatomy
It is located superior and anterior to the medial collateral ligament and is part of the medial patellar retinaculum and the intermediate medial capsular layer and it forms the medial patellofemoral complex together with the medial quadriceps tendon femoral ligament .
- femoral insertion between the medial femoral epicondyle, the adductor tubercle and the gastrocnemius tubercle, just superior to the femoral origin of the superficial portion of the medial collateral ligament
- distal insertion is at the superomedial aspect of the patella
Related pathology
- lateral patellar dislocation
- medial patellofemoral ligament injury occurs in up to 87-100%
- rupture/tear occurs usually at the patellar insertion or femoral origin
Siehe auch:
- mediales Retinaculum patellae
- femoropatellare Instabilität
- lateral patellofemoral ligament
- Ligamentum patellomenisceale (MPML)
- MPFL injury
- Musculus patellofemoralis medialis
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