basilar artery fenestration

(MRA) in Maximum Intension Projection (MIP)-Darstellung einer gefensterten Arteria basilaris. Die Aa. vertebrales sind asymmetrisch angelegt. Unmittelbar nach dem Zusammenfluss bildet die A. basilaris einen Ring. Es wird eine erhöhte Inzidenz von Aneurysmen an dieser Stelle beschrieben.

Common and
uncommon intracranial arterial anatomic variations in multi-detector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA). What radiologists should be aware of. a CTA (VRT 3D reconstructions) shows a proximal basilar artery fenestration (red arrow). b CTA (VRT 3D reconstructions) shows an Acom artery fenestration (red arrow)

A case of
multiple Vertebrobasilar artery fenestration misdiagnosed as vertebral artery dissection. Multiple vascular abnormalities from the vertebrobasilar system in DSA. Extracranial DSA showing the vertebral artery fenestration at the V1 segment in the multiply direction (black arrows) (a-b). Intracranial DSA showing an ipsilateral large vertebral artery fenestration at the level of C1 and C2 (double white arrows), post-coil-embolization changes of giant aneurysm at the tip of basilar artery (small white arrow), and a small fenestration at the proximal basilar artery (long white arrow) (c-d). DSA = Digital subtraction angiography
Basilar artery fenestration (or more simply, basilar fenestration) is the most common intracranial arterial fenestration. It refers to duplication of a portion of the artery, thought to occur due to failed fusion of plexiform primitive longitudinal neural arteries . Its reported prevalence is highly variable depending on the technique used:
- ~0.5% (0.3-0.6%) at angiography (presumably low due to preferential laminar flow in only one lumen at a time)
- 2% on MR angiography
- up to 5% at autopsy
Typically fenestration occurs at the lower end of the basilar artery just as the vertebral arteries join. However, it can also be seen in the mid-basilar and distal tip.
Related pathology
There is an increased incidence of basilar artery aneurysm formation at the site of fenestration, presumably due to abnormal flow dynamics. They are reported in 7% of fenestrations.
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