Body of sphenoid
The body of the sphenoid bone is the midline cubical portion of the sphenoid bone, hollowed by the sphenoid air sinuses.
Gross anatomy
The body has superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, and lateral surfaces.
The superior surface features:
- ethmoidal spine: prominent spine that articulates with the cribriform plate and grooved on either side by olfactory bulbs of CN I
- planum sphenoidale
- limbus sphenoidale
- chiasmatic groove (also known as prechiasmatic sulcus or optic groove): optic chiasm lies above and behind
- optic canal: transmits optic nerve and ophthalmic artery
- tuberculum sellae: elevation anterior to sella turcica
- sella turcica: deep depression, pituitary fossa is deepest part
- middle clinoid processes: small prominences on anterior part of sella turcica
- dorsum sellae: plate of bone forming posterior boundary of sella turcica
- posterior clinoid processes: tubercles on superior angle of dorsum sellae
- petrosal process: articulates with petrous apex of the temporal bone
The inferior surface features:
- sphenoidal rostrum: continuous with sphenoidal crest, articulates with the vomer
- vaginal process: projecting lamina on either side of rostrum, directed medially. Between these processes and the alae of the vomer are the variably present vomerovaginal canal.
The anterior surface features:
- sphenoidal crest: middle, vertical crest that articulates with perpendicular plate of ethmoid that contributes to nasal septum
- sphenoidal air sinus opening
- sphenoidal conchae
The posterior surface forms part of the clivus.
The posterior surface joins the basilar part of the occipital bone.
The lateral surface (2) unites with the greater wing and medial pterygoid plate. It features:
- carotid groove: broad groove that lodges internal carotid artery and cavernous sinus
- lingula: ridge of bone between body and greater wing