
Bronchialdivertikel knapp unter der Carina am rechten Hauptbronchus. Linke Bildseite: axiale Computertomographie (Blick von unten:linke Körperseite rechts im Bild) Rechte Bildseite: Virtuelle Bronchoskopie mit CT-Daten (Blick von oben:rechte Körperseite rechts im Bild)

Bronchial- / Trachealdivertikel an der Carina. Computertomografie im Lungenfenster axial und parakoronar.
Bronchial diverticula are blind-ended outpouchings arising from the bronchial tree. They are commonly pulsion diverticula acquired related to chronic cough.
Please refer to the article on tracheal diverticula for further details in the same condition involving the upper airways.
They are relatively common on CT studies, particularly in smokers , but can also be present in non-smokers. There may be a slightly increased male predilection but no significant age predilection .
They can be of variable shape and size although most tend to be around 1-2 mm in size .
Their exact etiology is variable but chronic inflammatory tracheobronchial changes and increased endoluminal pressure may play a role in their development .
See also
- subcarinal air cyst: thought to represent small main bronchial diverticulum
- tracheal diverticulum
Siehe auch:
- Trachealdivertikel
- Mediastinalemphysem
- para-tracheal air cyst
- Trachealbronchus
- subcarinale Bronchialdivertikel
- Bronchus cardiacus
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