kongenitale Anomalien des Tracheobronchialsystems

Imaging of
congenital lung diseases presenting in the adulthood: a pictorial review. CT images of cardiac bronchi in two patients. Blind-ended cardiac bronchus is seen on coronal (a, arrow), axial (b, arrow) and 3D reconstruction (c, star) CT images. In another patient coronal (d, arrow), axial (e, arrow), and 3D reconstruction (f, star) CT images demonstrate cardiac bronchus with accompanying lung tissue and pleural fissure

bronchus - a rare cause of recurrent wheezy bronchitis. A) 2-dimensional and B) 3-dimensional computed tomography reconstruction of the tracheo-bronchial system. Bridging bronchus (BB) originating in the left main-stem bronchus (LMB) crossed the mediastinum and provided the right lower and middle lobe. Trachea (T), right upper lobe bronchus (RUL), bifurcatio tracheae (BiT), tracheal stenosis (TS). Appropriate view of Figure 1 (*).

bronchus - a rare cause of recurrent wheezy bronchitis. Different kinds of bridging bronchus published.

Imaging of
congenital lung diseases presenting in the adulthood: a pictorial review. CT images of tracheal bronchi in different patients. Blind-ended tracheal bronchus is seen on coronal (a, arrow) and 3D reconstruction (b, star) CT images. Tracheal bronchi with accompanying lung tissue are demonstrated on coronal (c, e, arrow) and 3D reconstruction (d, f, star) CT images in two patients. The tracheal bronchus supplies the apical and posterior segments of the right upper lobe (e, arrow) and the right middle bronchus supplies the anterior segment of the right upper lobe (f, red arrow) in a 43-year-old asymptomatic male patient

Imaging of
congenital lung diseases presenting in the adulthood: a pictorial review. Imaging features of bronchial atresia in two asymptomatic patients. Central mass-like opacity because of the mucus-filled bronchus is seen on coronal (a, c) and sagittal (b) CT images. Coronal (a) and sagittal (b) CT images in the expiratory phase and quantitative 3D reconstruction (d) image clearly show hyperinflation (d, blue area) due to air trapping
kongenitale Anomalien des Tracheobronchialsystems
Siehe auch:
- Trachealdivertikel
- Bronchialatresie
- angeborene Tracheobronchomegalie
- angeborene Fehlbildungen der Lunge
- Bronchialdivertikel
- Trachealbronchus
- subcarinale Bronchialdivertikel
- Bronchus cardiacus
- Bridging bronchus
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