Bronchiectasis (summary)
This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists
Bronchiectasis refers to permanent dilatation of the airways secondary to chronic inflammation or infection. It is the common pathological response of bronchi to a variety of congenital and acquired conditions.
Reference article
This is a summary article; read more in our article on bronchiectasis.
- epidemiology
- more prevalent in females and older age groups
- 60% of UK diagnoses made in patients over 70
- triggering disease may be congenital or acquired
- more prevalent in females and older age groups
- presentation
- chronic productive cough with thick, foul-smelling sputum
- recurrent chest infections
- hemoptysis
- shortness of breath
- wheeze
- examination findings:
- general - clubbing (rare)
- auscultation - coarse crackles, scattered wheeze
- pathogenesis
- a combination of chronic inflammation/infection and impaired bronchial clearance damages the airways
- progressive destruction of lung tissues
- widened airways with scarred and thickened walls
- trapped mucus harbors pathogens
- etiology
- post-infectious conditions
- tuberculosis
- bacterial pneumonia
- measles
- congenital conditions
- cystic fibrosis (up to 50% of cases)
- primary ciliary dyskinesia (Kartagener syndrome)
- primary immunodeficiencies
- alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
- other
- airway obstruction (foreign body/malignancy)
- traction bronchiectasis (pulmonary fibrosis)
- associated illnesses - COPD, IBD, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE
- idiopathic
- post-infectious conditions
- investigation
- chest x-ray
- high-resolution CT
- sputum culture (esp. during exacerbation)
- pulmonary function tests (reduced FEV1)
- specific tests to investigate cause
- e.g. sweat sodium measurement (CF) or immunoglobulins
- treatment
- goals are to prevent infections and control complications
- conservative
- smoking cessation
- respiratory physiotherapy and postural drainage
- pneumococcal vaccine, annual influenza vaccine
- medical
- prompt antibiotic treatment for exacerbations
- long-term prophylactic antibiotics may be required in patients with frequent recurrences
- bronchodilator therapy
- beta agonists and inhaled corticosteroids
- prompt antibiotic treatment for exacerbations
- surgical
- only for a small minority of patients with localized disease
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
Chest x-rays are usually insufficient in the diagnosis and management of bronchiectasis. May be normal or may show dilated bronchi with thickened walls (tram-track sign). An air-fluid level may be seen in severe cystic bronchiectasis.
High-resolution CT is the gold standard for diagnosis. Provides a better visualization of the classical airway dilatation and bronchial wall thickening (tram-track) in bronchiectasis. Enlarged airways display a signet-ring sign in cross-section with their accompanying pulmonary artery. Cysts may also be visualized.