Callen MS-ADEM criteria
The Callen MS-ADEM criteria can be useful in differentiating between acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and multiple sclerosis (MS) in children, as the first attack of immune-mediated demyelination is a frequent diagnostic challenge.
Given the diagnostic challenge, several diagnostic criteria may be used to differentiate, e.g. Barkhof criteria, KIDMUS criteria, Callen MS-ADEM criteria, Callen diagnostic MS criteria. A 2010 study compared these different criteria, with the Callen MS-ADEM criteria showing the best combination of sensitivity (75%) and specificity (95%) .
The proposed criteria can only be applied to distinguish children with the clinical presentation of ADEM from that of a first MS attack.
At least two out of the three following criteria should be fulfilled for MS diagnosis:
- absence of a diffuse bilateral lesion pattern
- presence of black holes
- two periventricular lesions