Canalis incisivus

incisivus in der Computertomografie median hinter den Incisivi in der Maxilla

CBCT parameters for an accurate differentiation between nasopalatine duct cyst and the normal nasopalatine canal. Morphological parameters of the nasopalatine canal measured on reference CBCT section images. A, B. Measurements in a reference sagittal plane: APNO (in mm) - anteroposterior diameter of the nasal opening, APOO (in mm) - anteroposterior diameter of the oral opening, midAP (in mm) - mid-level anteroposterior diameter of the canal, L (in mm) – length of the canal, A (in degrees) – the angle between the canal axis and the nasal floor. C. AWE (in mm) – anterior wall expansion measured on the same sagittal image. D. Measurements in a reference coronal plane: MLNO (in mm) – mediolateral diameter of the nasal opening, minML (in mm) – minimum mediolateral diameter. E. Measurements in a reference axial plane: MLOO (in mm) – mediolateral diameter of the oral opening

CBCT parameters for an accurate differentiation between nasopalatine duct cyst and the normal nasopalatine canal. CBCT parameters measured in a patient with NPD cyst. (A) Sagittal plane measurements. Note the increase in size of the APOO and midAP caused by a cyst. (B) Coronal plane measurements. MinML was also increased due to the cyst. (C) Axial plane measurement
The maxillary incisive canal runs through the maxilla in the midline. It connects the inferior nasal cavity with the superior oral cavity, opening at the incisive foramen posterior to the central maxillary incisor teeth. It contains the descending palatine artery and the nasopalatine nerve.
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