classification system for malformations of the cerebellum
Classification systems for malformations of the cerebellum are varied and are constantly being revised as greater understanding of the underlying genetics and embryology of the disorders is uncovered. A classification proposed by Barkovich et al. in 2009 divides cerebellar malformations in two broad groups; those with cerebellar hypoplasia and; those with cerebellar dysplasia.
- cerebellar hypoplasia: reduced cerebellar volume
- focal hypoplasia
- isolated vermis
- one hemisphere hypoplasia
- generalized hypoplasia
- with enlarged fourth ventricle
- normal fourth ventricle
- with normal pons
- with small pons
- normal foliation
- pontocerebellar hypoplasias of Barth, types I and II
- cerebellar hypoplasias, not otherwise specified
- pontocerebellar hypoplasias of Barth, types I and II
- normal foliation
- focal hypoplasia
- cerebellar dysplasia: abnormal cerebellar foliation, fissuration, and architecture of the cerebellar white matter
- focal dysplasia
- isolated vermian dysplasia
- molar tooth malformations including Joubert syndrome
- rhombencephalosynapsis
- isolated hemispheric dysplasia
- isolated vermian dysplasia
- generalized dysplasia
- congenital muscular dystrophies
- cytomegalovirus
- lissencephaly with RELN mutation
- lissencephaly with agenesis of corpus callosum and cerebellar dysplasia
- associated with diffuse cerebral polymicrogyria
- diffusely abnormal foliation
- focal dysplasia
See also
- classification system for malformations of cortical development
- classification system for midline abnormalities of the brain
- classification system for malformations of the brainstem
Siehe auch:
- Rhombencephalosynapsis
- Joubert-Syndrom
- classification system for midline abnormalities of the brain
- Dandy Walker continuum
- Lhermitte-Duclos-Cowden syndrome
- kortikale Malformation
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