Foramen nutricium Phalangen

Foramen nutricium Phalangen
Nutritialkanal Radiopaedia • CC-by-nc-sa 3.0 • de
A nutrient foramen (plural: nutrient foramina) or vascular channel is a small tunnel through the cortex of a long bone containing a nutrient artery which supplies the bone.
The foramina are known to mimic oblique fractures on plain radiographs . The nutrient artery enters a long bone via an obliquely oriented canal, that can appear as a radiolucent line passing through the cortex into the medullary portion of the diaphysis of the bone. They are often observed with a well-corticated edge . The direction of the oblique canal is relative to the rate of growth occurring at both ends of the long bone .
Although not all nutrient foramina will be visible in plain radiography, it is important to know the frequency in which they occur.
- majority of humeri possess a single nutrient foramen . However, humeri with two or no foramina have been reported
- up to 99% of radii have a single foramen , again with some studies cited two or none
- the ulna regularly presents with a single foramen, with as many as three cited in anatomical studies
- studies regarding the nutrient foramen of the femur range from one to as many as nine
- the tibia primarily possesses nutrient foramina on the posterior aspect of the diaphysis; with a single foramen most common
- the fibula most commonly possesses a single foramen however as many as three has been reported
- the phalanges typically possess a single foramen however the proximal phalanges of the fingers commonly have two, with all foramina directed away from the origin of bone growth
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