Fraktur Gelenkfortsatz

displaced unilateral facet fracture of cervical spine can lead to spinal cord injury: a report of two cases. a Right parasagittal b midsagittal and c left parasagittal computed tomography scan of the cervical spine showed a right minimally displaced facet fracture of C6 (arrow). Small ossifications of the longitudinal ligament were seen at C2–3 and C5, and the canal was narrow. There were no signs of subluxation of the left facet joint or disc widening in these images

displaced unilateral facet fracture of cervical spine can lead to spinal cord injury: a report of two cases. a Right parasagittal b midsagittal and c left parasagittal computed tomography scan of the cervical spine showed a widening of the right C4/5 facet joint space (double-headed arrow), widening of the disc space (asterisk) and the left facet fracture of C4/5 and anterior subluxation of C4 (arrow). The calcification of the yellow ligament at C4/5 and narrowed canal also are evident
Fraktur Gelenkfortsatz
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