Grashalm-Zeichen Morbus Paget

Röntgenbefund und Skelettszintigraphie wie bei Morbus Paget des Femur (histologisch nicht bestätigt).

Blade of
grass sign (Paget disease) • Paget disease: with blade of grass sign - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Blade of
grass sign (Paget disease) • Blade of grass sign in Paget disease - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

of a M404V mutation of the p62/sequestosome 1 (p62/SQSTM1) gene with polyostotic Paget"s disease of bone in an Italian family. Evidence of PDB in two affected subjects from F01 family. (a) Bone deformity of the right forearm of family member II-3. Relatives described him as having suffered from multiple bone deformities and pain. (b) X-ray scan of the right tibia of family member III-3, with a typical flame-shaped lytic wedge (arrow).

Blade of
grass sign (Paget disease) • Blade of grass (photo) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
The blade of grass sign, also called the candle flame sign, refers to the lucent leading edge in a long bone seen during the lytic phase of Paget disease of bone.
The blade of grass sign is characteristic of Paget disease of bone. This is akin to osteoporosis circumscripta cranii seen in the skull. A potential pitfall is misdiagnosing the track sign of the femur as the blade of grass sign.
See also
Other Paget disease-related signs:
- banana fracture
- cotton wool appearance of bone
- jigsaw pattern bone or mosaic pattern bone
- picture frame vertebra
- Tam o' Shanter sign
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