iliopsoas bursa

resonance arthrography of the hip: technique and spectrum of findings in younger patients. Opacified ilio-psoas recess and osteoarthritis in a 45-year-old man. Axial fat-saturated T1-weighted 3D gradient echo image shows the ilio-psoas recess filled by contrast medium and containing some small post-injection bubbles (white arrow). Moreover, heterogeneous signal of the labrum and pericephalic osteophytes are consistent with osteoarthritis

Bursa iliopectinea (Bursitis!?) rechts bei einem Mann als Zufallsbefund in der MRT (T2 axial). Die vergrößerte Bursa liegt hier hinter dem M. iliacus.

bursa • Distended left iliopsoas bursa - causing acute femoral nerve palsy - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

vergrößerte Bursa iliopectinea rechts (links im Bild) in der Computertomographie.
The Iliopsoas bursa, also known as the iliopectinate bursa, is one of the bursae involving the hip. It is the largest bursa around the hip joint. It is located beneath the musculotendinous portion of the iliopsoas muscle, anterior to the hip joint capsule and lateral to the common femoral vessels. It can communicate with the hip joint in about 15% of patients. It is usually collapsed but can be distension by overproduction of synovial fluid from a variety of causes.
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