Inferior medullary velum

Scheme of
roof of fourth ventricle. The arrow is in the foramen of Magendie.

of see other version section 1 : posterior medullary velum 2 : Choroid plexus 3 : Cisterna cerebellomedullaris of subarachnoid cavity 4 : Central canal 5 : Corpora quadrigemina 6 : Cerebral peduncle 7 : Anterior medullary velum 8 : Ependymal lining of ventricle 9 : Cisterna pontis of subarachnoid cavity Arrow = Flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through foramen of Magendie
The inferior (or posterior) medullary velum is a thin sheet of tissue formed by ependyma and the pia mater of the tela choroidea. It stretches from the middle cerebellar peduncles to the inferior cerebellar peduncles and across the midline to form the roof of the fourth ventricle along with the superior medullary velum. The nodule of the cerebellum is located just inferior and lateral to the inferior medullary velum.