Inferior orbital fissure contents (mnemonic)
Mnemonic for the contents of the inferior orbital fissure (from medial to lateral) is:
- Inferior Orbit Gets Infra-Orbital Nerves and VeinZ
Inferior Orbit Gets Infra-Orbital Nerves and VeinZ
- IO: inferior ophthalmic vein (tributary to both pterygoid venous plexus and cavernous sinus)
- G: ganglionic branches from pterygopalatine ganglion to maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
- ION: infra-orbital nerve (branch CN V2)
- A: infra-orbital artery (branch maxillary artery)
- V: infra-orbital vein (drains inferior orbit, communicates with inferior ophthalmic vein, tributary to pterygoid venous plexus)
- Z: zygomatic nerve (branch CN V2)