Intermetatarsal bursa
Intermetatarsal bursae are small fluid-filled sacs located between the metatarsal heads, cranial to the deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament (DTML).
Intermetatarsal bursae, like any bursae, will distend if there is increased friction between two adjacent structures. They will often occur in conjunction with Morton neuromas, where the term 'bursal neuromal complex' is used.
Radiographic features
The first three intermetatarsal bursae have a transverse diameter of ≤3 mm, which is considered physiologic.
- compressible, hypoechoic and most often well-defined regions in the intermetatarsal spaces
- T1: low signal
- T2 and PDFS: high signal
- T1C+: peripheral enhancement
Related pathology
Differential diagnosis