intracranial embryonal carcinoma

resonance imaging of pineal region tumours. Pineal embryonal carcinoma. The tumour involving the pineal gland (arrow) has lobulated margins with intermediate to high signal on axial T2-weighted image (a). The tumour shows heterogeneous contrast enhancement on sagittal T1-weighted image (b) related to its solid and cystic portions
An intracranial embryonal carcinoma is a relatively rare neoplasm and accounts for only 10% of all intracranial germ cell tumors . It is an aggressive tumor and has a propensity to metastasize systemically . A component of embryonal carcinoma is often found in mixed germ-cell tumors, in which case it is usually the most aggressive component, and dictates prognosis. CSF and plasma AFP and b-HCG may be elevated , but again this is not specific to this tumor.
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