Lisfranc joint
The tarsometatarsal joint, or Lisfranc joint, is the articulation between the tarsus (midfoot) and the metatarsal bases (forefoot), representing a combination of tarsometatarsal joints.
The first three metatarsals articulate with the three cuneiforms, respectively, and the 4 and 5metatarsals with the cuboid. The base of the 2 metatarsal keystones into the cuneiforms where there is the important Lisfranc ligament. Numerous dorsal and plantar ligaments support all the tarsometatarsal, intermetatarsal and intertarsal joints and between each bone, there are strong interosseous ligaments.
History and etymology
It is named after Jacques Lisfranc de Saint-Martin (1790-1847), French surgeon .
Related pathology