
hepatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumors: imaging findings with histopathological correlation. A 39-year woman with hepatic lymphangioleiomyoma. The non-enhanced CT scan (a) revealed a round well-defined homogeneous hypoattenuated mass in the right hepatic lobe. On the arterial phase (b), the mass demonstrated significantly heterogeneous enhanced surrounded by a dysmorphic vessel (arrow). On the portal venous (c) and delayed (d) phases, the mass became homogeneous, but still showed higher attenuation compared to the background liver. The MRI scan (e, T1WI in-phase; f, T1WI out-of-phase; g, fat-suppressed T2WI; h, DWI) showed hypointense on T1WI, hyperintense on T2WI and high signal intensity on DWI. The enhancement pattern on dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (i, arterial phase; j, portal venous phase; k, delayed phase) was corresponded with CT. Note the vessel around the tumor on T2WI and arterial phase images (arrow). Ultrasound (l) showed a round, well-defined hyperechoic mass with a cribriform appearance in the right lobe of liver
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