metopic suture

The metopic suture (also known as the frontal, interfrontal, or median frontal suture) is a vertical fibrous joint that divides the two halves of the frontal bone and is present in a newborn.
Gross anatomy
This suture runs through the midline across the frontal bone from the nasion to the bregma, although it may often be incomplete. It may fuse as early as 3 months of age and should fuse in nearly all patients by around 9 months of age .
Premature fusion of the suture is termed metopic synostosis (type of craniosynostosis) which can then result in trigonocephaly.
Variant anatomy
The metopic suture is usually obliterated by about 7 years of age, but in rare cases, it can persist as an anatomical variant of little clinical significance but that it can be mistaken for a frontal bone fracture. Persistence of the metopic suture may be associated with frontal sinus agenesis or hypoplasia .
Differential diagnosis
- frontal bone fracture
- metopic sutures have a characteristic midline position and demonstrate sutural interdigitations
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