
growth of the anterior cranial base relevant to severe midface hypoplasia of Apert syndrome. Panoramic view. a An Apert syndrome patient, a 9-year-old male, with an upward convex palatal plate (arrows) and a short and thin nasal septum (arrow heads). Noted the severe anterior open bite (*). b A 9-year-old normal male with normal horizontal palatal plate (arrows) and a long and thick nasal septum (arrow heads)

growth of the anterior cranial base relevant to severe midface hypoplasia of Apert syndrome. Water’s view: An Apert syndrome patient (a), a 9-year-old male, showed a shorter zygomatico-maxillary width and a shorter and thinner nasal septum than a 9-year-old normal male (b)

growth of the anterior cranial base relevant to severe midface hypoplasia of Apert syndrome. Cephalogram: a An Apert syndrome patient, a 9-year-old male, noted with retained suture wires for distraction osteotomy performed at 6 months after birth. b A 9-year-old normal male. c overlapping cephalogram panels a and b by adjusting to the SN line. The Apert syndrome patient showed an increased posterior-anterior cranial base angle (angle PC-S-AC), a retruded maxilla, and a counter-clockwise growth of the mandible compared to the control

growth of the anterior cranial base relevant to severe midface hypoplasia of Apert syndrome. Posterior to anterior (PA) view. a An Apert syndrome patient, a 9-year-old male. b A 9-year-old normal male. c Overlapping panels a and b by adjusting the line between the bilateral jugular points. The Apert syndrome patient showed orbital hypertelorism, less descended nasal floor, and downward growth of the mandible compared to the control

growth of the anterior cranial base relevant to severe midface hypoplasia of Apert syndrome. Basal cranial view. a An Apert syndrome patient, a 9-year-old male. b A 9-year-old normal male. c Overlapping panels a and b. The Apert syndrome patient showed increased zygomatic axis angle of the cranial base (angle Z1-S-Z2) and decreased otic axis angle of the cranial base (angle O1-Oc-O2) compared to the control

growth of the anterior cranial base relevant to severe midface hypoplasia of Apert syndrome. Coronal sutures in PA X-ray views. a A 9-year-old normal male with still immature coronal suture (arrows). b An Apert syndrome patient, a 9-year-old male, with tightly interdigitated coronal suture (arrows) similar to that of a 30-year-old normal male (c)
Midfacial hypoplasia is a type of congenital facial anomaly and can be feature of a number of congenital syndromic anomalies. These include:
- Antley-Bixler syndrome
- chromosome 1p36 deletion syndrome
- chromosome 18q deletion syndrome
- Crouzon syndrome
- fetal alcohol syndrome
- fetal valproate syndrome
- fetal Warfarin syndrome
- holoprosencephaly spectrum
- Stickler syndrome group
Associated features that may be seen with midfacial hypoplasia include:
Siehe auch:
- Holoprosencephalie
- Fetales Valproat-Syndrom
- Crouzon-Syndrom
- Fetales Alkoholsyndrom
- De-Grouchy-Syndrom Typ 2
- Alport syndrome
- Stickler-Syndrom
- Fetales Warfarinsyndrom
- Antley-Bixler-Syndrom
- short maxilla
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