Morbus Hirschsprung beim Erwachsenen

Hirschsprung im Erwachsenenalter mit chronischer Distension des Kolonrahmens.

in pregnancy: a case report. Magnetic resonance images showing megarectum and megasigmoid (black arrows) displacing the pregnant uterus to the left (open arrow).

Hirschsprung’s disease presenting as chronic constipation: a case report. A Abdominal plain radiograph. This figure revealed that the air distribution in the colon and small intestine is increased with coiled spring appearance. There was neither stepladder appearance nor subdiaphragmatic free air. B–F Contrast enema study radiograph. The study showed that the sigmoid colon was dilated and the rectum was narrowed, with rectosigmoid index less than 1 and irregular rectosigmoid mucosa

adult hypoganglionosis presenting as sigmoid volvulus: a case report. Computerized tomography scan of the abdomen showing sigmoid volvulus.
Morbus Hirschsprung beim Erwachsenen
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