Non-mass enhancement (breast MRI)
Non-mass enhancement at breast MRI is defined in the BI-RADS lexicon as an area of enhancement that does not meet criteria for a mass, such as by having nonconvex borders or intervening fat or fibroglandular tissue between the enhancing components.
A wide variety of benign, high risk and malignant processes can manifest as non-mass enhancement :
- fibrocystic changes
- pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH)
- apocrine metaplasia
- radiation therapy effect
- flat epithelial atypia
- atypical ductal hyperplasia
- radial scar/complex sclerosing lesion
- intraductal papilloma
- ductal carcinoma in situ
- invasive carcinoma of no special type (ductal carcinoma not otherwise specified)
- invasive lobular carcinoma
Radiographic appearance
The BI-RADS lexicon (5 edition) provides standard descriptors for the distribution and internal pattern of non-mass contrast enhancement .
- distribution
- focal: confined area less than a breast quadrant characterized by a non-mass internal enhancement pattern
- linear: straight, curved, or branching arrangement of enhancement, suggestive of ductal or periductal involvement
- segmental: triangular or conical arrangement with the apex directed toward the nipple, suggestive of ductal or periductal involvement
- regional: area larger than a breast quadrant
- multiple regions: more than one large area, separated by normal tissue, not conforming to a ductal distribution (patchy)
- diffuse: randomly arranged throughout the breast
- internal enhancement patterns
- homogeneous: confluent and uniform
- heterogeneous: randomly separated by normal tissue in a nonuniform pattern
- clumped: small aggregates of enhancement ("cobblestone" like) in various sizes and shapes, suggestive of ductal involvement; used in combination with focal, linear, segmental, or regional distribution
- clustered ring: multiple small ring shapes closely arranged, suggestive of periductal involvement
Treatment and prognosis
In general, a substantial minority of non-mass enhancement proves to be malignant . Second-look breast ultrasound is prudent to look for a correlate that can be targeted for ultrasound-guided rather than MRI-guided breast biopsy.
Differential diagnosis
Alternative considerations for describing an enhancing area depends on the size, shape, and distinctness from the rest of the breast parenchyma:
Practical points
Non-mass enhancement is usually assessed as suspicious and managed with core needle biopsy (BI-RADS 4).
There are limited data supporting a probably benign assessment for certain types of non-mass enhancement (BI-RADS 3), which remains a matter of intuition for most radiologists . In one newer study, a linear distribution of non-mass enhancement <1 cm that is not branching is probably benign . Anecdotal experience suggests homogeneous non-mass enhancement in a focal, regional, or multiple regions distribution on baseline examination may also fit this category .
In some clinical situations, enhancement could be transient and related to hormonal status. For instance, a premenopausal patient may be scanned in a suboptimal part of her cycle, or a postmenopausal patient may be taking hormone replacement therapy. If this is suspected but the finding is not clearly background parenchymal enhancement, the non-mass enhancement may be assessed as probably benign (BI-RADS 3) with a recommendation for a very short interval follow up (2-3 months), timed for week 2 of the patient's cycle or after suspending hormonal therapy .