Normal radiographic measurements of the shoulder
Normal radiographic measurements of the shoulder are important in evaluation of the osseous relationships in plain film radiography. Normal measurements do not rule out pathology, and must be considered in the context of other findings and the clinical presentation.
- AC joint space: 5-8 mm (narrower in the elderly)
- increased: AC joint separation, clavicular erosion/absorption
- decreased: degenerative joint disease
- acromiohumeral interval/space: 7-11 mm (or 8-12 mm)
- increased: subluxation, dislocation
- decreased: rotator cuff tear
- coracoclavicular distance/space: 11-13 mm
- increased: AC joint separation
- glenohumeral joint space: 3-6 mm
- increased: posterior dislocation
- decreased: degenerative joint disease, crystal arthropathies, inflammatory arthropathies, anterior or posterior dislocation